Friday, May 15, 2009


My career and hobby is software development. I often think of it as the process of shaping electricity to meet a need, whcih probably sounds weird. I've been called worse :-).

The end result of this process is that a device (a computer, a car, a toaster even) gets "told" what to do. Some call it programming, or coding, and as you imagine there's a wealth of information on the topic. If you're interested in delving deeper I recommend you start with the Joel on Software blog, or you can visit the IT wiki and follow the links.

The software development process is similar to what we do as we carry on our day and strive for improving our lives. Your brain is all about moving electricity around - neural patterns strengthen (and weaken) according to your thoughts and practiced motion. It is the "soft"ware between your ears (and no, I'm not calling you "soft between the ears" ). Here, the device is your life.

So today, for fun, think about how you're shaping that "soft"ware. Each moment brings a choice, a different way to program your life. What will you choose?

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