Friday, June 12, 2009


On our honeymoon, my wife and I visited Italy and, as part of that trip, toured the Sistine Chapel. It was explained during the tour that Michelangelo for many years was thought of as a great sculptor but not as good a "colorist", based on his painting of the Chapel's ceiling.

In 1984, a restoration of the ceiling was undertaken. During this time, the restorers stripped all the wax and painted definition left in previous restoration attempts, bringing the surface back to as xclose to Michelangelo left it as possible.

Suddenly, scenes were shown in bright, vivid color. Suddenly, scientists realized the candle smoke and layers had obscured the genius of the artist. Suddenly, Michelangelo became a great colorist, on par with his sculpting ability.

So, the point of the story is to lift the veil on things in your life. Let the real you shine through. And don't pay any attention to what others say, good or bad.

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